UltraFast Lysis Cell RNA Mix
For ultra-fast lysis of cell culture samples.This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Cell Culture RNA Kit.

From €65.00*
UltraFast Lysis Tissue RNA Mix
For ultra-fast lysis of mammalian tissue samples.This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Tissue RNA Kit.

From €65.00*
gDNA Removal Mix
For DNA removal during RNA purification with the EchoLUTION Cell Culture RNA Kit.

From €49.00*
TurboLyse C (CellCulture) Protease Mix
For efficient lysis of cell culture samples. This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Cell Culture DNA Kit.

From €50.00*
TurboLyse T (Tissue) Protease Mix
For efficient lysis of tissue samples. This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Tissue DNA Kit.

From €49.00*
TurboLyse P (Plant) Protease Mix
For efficient lysis of plant samples. This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Plant DNA Kits.

From €48.00*
Bead Beating Buffer Plant
For efficient plant tissue disruption and sample homogenization. This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Plant DNA Kits. 

EchoSAFE Viral Transport Medium
For efficient viral stabilization.

From €551.00*
PurifyLater Tissue Stabilizer
For tissue stabilization to extract RNA and DNA at a later timepoint.

From €115.00*
RNase, DNase-free (200 kunitz unit/ml), 1 ml
For RNA removal during DNA purification.

EchoSAFE RNA Gel Loading Buffer
Buffer for formamide-free and formaldehyde-free loading of RNA onto denaturing agarose gels.

From €139.00*
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