Cell Culture DNA Extraction

High-yield DNA extraction from various cell types 

With the EchoLUTION Cell Culture DNA Kit, high purity genomic and mitochondrial DNA can be extracted fast and easily from eukaryotic cell lines and primary cells. All steps take place under physiological conditions in aqueous buffers.

3 x faster 

Compared to conventional methods

~70% fewer handling steps

Compared to silica-based methods

Tailored lysis

For eukaryotic cells

“We used the BioEcho EchoLUTION Tissue DNA and Cell Culture DNA kits for extraction of genomic DNA from cultured cells and from fresh and stabilized human tissue. Both kits impressed with their simplicity, speed, and with stable and reproducible yields. Purified DNA could immediately be used for downstream applications, such as PCR. With the Cell Culture DNA Kit, we were also able to isolate plasmid DNA from eukaryotic cells for efficient subsequent transformation of E. coli.”

Wieland Fahr,   
PhD student, Department of Biotechnology, TU Braunschweig, Germany

“I used the EchoLUTION Cell Culture DNA Kit for extraction of genomic DNA from mammalian cells in culture. It was quick and I obtained higher yields than with the QIAGEN kit we use. I have performed a load of PCRs on the gDNA and all are working fine. Great kit — will use it again!”

John Robert Davis, PhD,  
PostDoc, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK

Sustainability is in our DNA:

Reduce — Reuse — Recycle with EchoLUTION

Find out more

EchoLUTION Cell Culture DNA Kit
For single-step purification of genomic and mitochondrial DNA from up to 2 x10⁶ eukaryotic cell lines and primary cells. Features: Convenience and speed: Workflow complete in just 30 minutes due to reduced steps.High sensitivity: Highly pure DNA free of contaminants and inhibitors.Reliable results: Lysis under physiological conditions results in long and intact DNA perfectly suited for downstream applications such as PCR and NGS.Sustainability: Up to 70% less plastic consumption compared to other extraction methods and no usage of hazardous reagents.

From €40.00*
TurboLyse C (CellCulture) Protease Mix
For efficient lysis of cell culture samples. This product is for use with the EchoLUTION Cell Culture DNA Kit.

From €50.00*

      Further reading 

Extraction of genomic DNA from cultured cells and tissue samples

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