TurboLyse B (Blood) Protease Mix (1 ml)

For efficient lysis of blood samples.

Kit content:

  • TurboLyse Protease Blood (1 x 1 mL)
  • Lysis Buffer Blood (1 x 5 mL)
  • Clearing Solution Blood (1 x 1 mL)

Safety data sheet (SDS) can be requested via QA@bioecho.de
EchoLUTION Blood DNA Micro Kit
For single-step DNA purification from dried blood spots (FTA cards). Features: Convenience and speed: Single-step purification allows gDNA extraction of DBS in 12 minutes after sample lysis.High compatibility: Suitable for extraction of genomic DNA from dried blood spots (DBS).High sensitivity: Highly pure genomic DNA free of contaminants and inhibitorsReliable results: Lysis under aqueous conditions results in long and intact DNA fragments perfectly suited for downstream applications such as PCR and NGS.Sustainability: Up to 70 % less plastic consumption compared to other extraction methods and no usage of hazardous reagents.

From US$38.70*
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